- Continuous professional development for Midwives by Dr Clarissa Sammut Scerri, within the Department of Child and Family Studies. The training will be held for midwives who work with women in the perinatal stage and are experiencing domestic violence.
- Launching the Positive Parenting Malta website
- Continuation of the Perinatal Pilot Project
- Continuation of the Positive Parenting Malta Facebook page, which provides psycho-education and support to parents as well as general public
- Evaluation of the Pilot Study by the Department of Family Studies UoM, which will establish the way forward
- Cost Benefit Analysis of psychotherapy and parenting groups from an economic perspective
- To continue strengthening the existing services related to early intervention
- To conduct a systematic literature review on what access is in the best interest of the child which would then provide the knowledge for the training of the Judiciary and the Mediators working in Court
- To continue the Breaking the news training and improve on it following feedback received from sessions of 2021
- The Taskforce has a special interest in those vulnerable; thus, the possibility of more longitudinal care for those families who are considered vulnerable or at risk will be explored
- Building bridges with the Well Baby Clinic to increase screening of emotional and mental health issues as well as to increase early intervention and support
- Continue building bridges with other professionals and parenting associations to increase psychoeducational knowledge and support on positive parenting skills
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