Positive Parenting Malta is doing its utmost to offer psychoeducation and support to all parents from different strata of society. Every parent is worthy of being given evidence-based information and support when it comes to the most important work of all- raising children to become healthy, stable, emotionally secure, and successful adults. With every campaign, more and more emphasis is being placed on transmitting psychoeducation through different mediums, including through various television and radio programmes, such as Dak li Jghodd, Niskata, Socjeta’ Gusta, One Breakfast and il-Familji ta’ Ghada.
Additionally, in the third campaign two Influencers were also used as a medium; these were Ben Camille and Jennifer Dimech. Influencers are becoming more and more popular in our culture and Positive Parenting Malta does its utmost to make use of any current trend to its advantage to raise increased awareness on the great value of developing a positive parent-child relationship.

Positive Parenting
Facebook Page
The Positive Parenting Malta Facebook page was launched on the 1st of June 2020 and is updated daily. A clinical psychologist and family therapist, Ms Charlene Aquilina was employed to work closely with the marketing team and post relevant and evidence-based material on positive parenting. This includes posting articles, writing meaningful parenting quotes to use as day-to-day guidance, and supporting with video interviewing various professionals in the field as well as influencers.
Additionally, parents can also make use of the Positive Parenting Malta Facebook Messenger and have a one-to-one confidential consultation. Parents have approached the psychologist and family therapist for several reasons, including to:
- get more information on current existing positive parenting services
- support in understanding in a deeper manner their children’s behaviour and how best to cope with it
- support in self-care as parents
- support with perinatal mental health issues
- support in adopting healthy boundaries with extended family
- support in co-parenting.
The Positive Parenting Malta Facebook page has recently reached 10K followers. This is some of the feedback received through our Facebook posts: (Names of the people are not included for confidentiality purposes)
- Thanks a lot for your support.
- Grazzi mill-qalb.
- Very good parenting techniques for healthier children and healthier family!
- Ħadt gost li ssemmew il-missirijiet u l-bżonnijiet tagħhom ukoll. Bħala stay-at-home dad nħoss li ħafna drabi niġu minsija jew kompletament injorati meta jiġu diskussi affarijiet relatati mat-tfal u t-trabi. Għalkemm probabbli jien fil-minoranza assoluta tal-ġenituri li jkunu mat-tfal tagħhom li huwa raġel, xorta nħoss li għandi bond speċjali mat-tfal tiegħi peress li nqatta’ ħafna ħin magħhom imma sfortunatament dawn it-topics qatt ma jkunu indirizzati lejn l-irġiel. Grazzi tax-xogħol tagħkom.
- Hekk hu, il-ħin mat-tfal prezzjuz immens, għax tkun magħhom u qas tinduna li kibbru, tfarfru u telqu, iż-żmien itir.
- Very true. Our precious kids are very important to us in life. They are everything to us and it’s our duty to look after them with much care.
- Well said. Children need to be loved and feel secure.
- The time spent with your children is priceless! You will be rewarded later!
(reach to grandparents too) - Oh, I had lovely memories with my children, together sharing quality time, reading a book, watching videos, playing games, going for a country walk, going at the seaside. All is in my heart and they confirmed that they loved those moments.
- L-imħabba tiżboq kull intopp. Il-faraġ u li tkun taf li hemm xi hadd li jħobbok hu l-qofol ta’ kollox.
- Kemm hi ħaġa sabiħa li turihom lit-tfal li inti tapprezza kull effort li jagħmlu u anke li inti għandek il-ħin biex tismagħhom u tgħinhom. Hekk iżjed jagħmlu kuragg u jibqgħu jaħdmu bil-qalb.
- Vera it-tfal iħobbu l-attenzjoni u jieħdu gost ħafna meta ittijilhom u tfaħħarhom, tagħmilhom ħafna kuraġġ, it-tfal iħobbu u ikunu irridu ħafna imħabba u attenzjoni u b’hekk jagħmlu iktar kuraġġ biex jagħmlu l-affarijiet.
- I agree. Children need to be praised. Makes them feel worthy and also happy. They also need to be kindly disciplined. This will make great adults when they grow up.
- So very true and show them you love them that you are proud of them.

Charlene Aquilina – Clinical Psychologist and Family Therapist
Charlene Aquilina – Clinical Psychologist and Family Therapist
Check out this video to have more information on how our Facebook page functions and the idea behind it. Anyone can reach out to us on our Facebook Messenger for some positive parenting tips, psycho-educational material and promotion of existing services.
Jennifer Dimech
Check out this video with Jennifer Dimech, a renowned make-up artist and influencer. Jennifer shares about her experience of being a mum and encourages parents and parents-to-be to participate in the Perinatal Mental Health Pilot Project.
Nadege Butigieg
Today we are going to meet Nadege Buttigieg - A midwife and a recruiter of the Perinatal Mental Health Pilot Project - Mater Dei Hospital.
For more information contact the Perinatal Mental Health Services on 25457410 or send us a private message.
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